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AOFIT started with a small group of friends who were passionate about fitness and body pain relief. AOFIT is now a leading manufacturer and distributor of health-related products with the goal of helping people improve their quality of life. 更少

Martinic Audio 75% OFF Discount OFFER – Best DEAL
At Martinic, we take a component modelling approach. This means that we model the behavior of every electrical component in a device, recreating its effect on the audio signal. Using a technique we call Advanced Circuitry Emulation (or ACE for short), we arrive at a perfect sonic emulation. 更少

At Martinic, we take a component modelling approach. This means that we model the behavior of every electrical component in a device, recreating its effect on the audio signal. Using a technique we call Advanced Circuitry Emulation (or ACE for short), we arrive at a perfect sonic emulation.
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